Sunday, January 11

Today I Was THAT Mom

Yep.  I officially crossed a line today.  For those of you who had children in your twenties, this will make no sense to you (for you crossed this line many years before you were old enough to recognize the line).  However, I've been watching Moms for years (as I was sort of pushing forty before mine were born).  I see you in Target, at the grocery store, at little league games, out for dinner, playing in the park, and even at Sunday gatherings.  Sometimes your children look something like this!

Yes.  They dressed themselves.  I've often wondered why you might allow your child out of the house in such an ill-matching (however cute) attire.  Now I know....  Today I was tired and just couldn't bring myself to tell her, "NO!  No way (as cute as you are to me) am I going in public with you dressed like this!"  So off we went.  Straight to Kroger, where we found a large percentage of the population of our town.  All I can say is at least it was raining this morning.  

And, if you will allow me to use a few hashtags....  #notworththebattle   #hopewedontseeanyoneweknow   #ilovemytoddler    #lifewithtwolittleones